Art Classes


Make Sun Catchers
April 5th, 1-2 pm


Learning the Value of a Sketchbook on Zoom with Annette Mitchell and Suzan Gannett
April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2, June 9 1-3 pm


Creating Patterns on Procreate with Suzan Gannett
April 1 and April 8, 1-3 pm

Ukrainian Easter Egg Dying with Leah Kuehne
First Offering: April 5, 1-3 pm
Second Offering: April 15 1-3 pm

Mosaic Tile Coasters with Na'ama Yacoby
April 25th, 1-3 pm

Decorating Tiles using Sgraffito Technique with Na'ama Yacoby
April 25th, 3-5 pm

Artistic Roots is welcoming a new group of Visiting Artists. They include Kelly Coffin, Joseph Foster, Molly Glover, and Mary Ann Mc Garry. Join us to welcome them at an opening reception to be held on March 21st from 5:00 to 6:30 pm and refreshments will be served. Their work will be shown at the Gallery from March 1 through June 30, 2025. Read more about our Visiting Artists here.

Artistic Roots has over 40 local artists. Our current featured artists include Shelley Smith know for her woven baskets, beautiful hand painted purses and boxes, photographer, Ken Hamilton, wood turner, Fred Kelsey and digital artist, Marian Federspiel. Come and see their work at the gallery which is open daily from 10-5.

Stop By and Visit the Gallery. Artistic Roots is NOW OPEN 7 Days a Week from 10am-5pm.

We ask that anyone who has not been vacinated, please continue to wear a mask when visiting in-person. Thank You!



Artistic Roots is a cooperative, non-profit art gallery of dedicated juried members who seek to inspire, create and connect artists and the community through workshops, peer mentoring, events, and to provide a venue for member sales.


Supporting the Gallery

As a non-profit co-op gallery, we rely not only on sales at the gallery, but the generous donations from both organizations and individuals. If you are so inclined, please consider visiting our Become a Sponsor web page. Aside from the tax deduction, all sponsors starting at the basic level of $35 a year receive discounts on classes! What a deal!

Supporting Member Artists

Contact information and links to our member artists are on our Artist Member web page. If you are so inclined, please contact the artists directly to see if they have any particular pieces that you might want to acquire.


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Become a Sponsor

Family Level: $50

Discount on all classes for family members.

Single Level: $35

Discount on all classes individual members.

Click for more sponsorship opportunities!

73 Main Street - On the Common - Plymouth, NH ~ 603.536.2750